
Thursday, November 6, 2014

What is the difference?

We, the Catholics of Delhi,  belong to two types of Catholic faiths.

Jose Paul (Delhi)

The question Syro Malabar Catholic Church citizens the world over ask these days is, 'why this war against the latin rite?' The Pro Malabar Red hats have only one answer, "They are our enemies." Shri Jose Paul asks the Church administrators to explain the difference between these rites. Every Catholic Church citizen living out of Kerala need a satisfactory answer. Editor

The bishop of Faridabad in his interview to Mithun Kuriakose mentioned that the Syrian and Latin churches are churches with different types of faiths (vyathyastha viswasa reethukal). He said that an individual cannot be a member of two types of faith, one in Delhi and another in Kerala. In spite of the fact many faithful Catholics asked a fundamental question about the catholic faith. No answers are coming forth from either of the shepherds. 

What are the fundamental differences in faith between the Syrian and Latin Rites? According to us the laity, the foundation (faiths) of both the churches are built on the Creed of these churches, the New Testament, the Eucharist, the Ten Commandments and the seven sacraments of the church. Can any of these respected Shepherds explain to the laity in plain language the list of the fundamental differences in the faiths of these two Churches? If there is even a small difference in faiths of these churches, they are two different churches, none one can be a Syrian in Kerala and a Latin in Delhi or any other part of the world. 

If there is difference in faiths, both these churches cannot be under the same Pope. We have only one pope, and he is the Head of the one and only one catholic faith and church. This Pope has appointed both these shepherds of two different types of faiths. Both these shepherds state that they both are obedient to the same Pope. Do you know what Pope Francis said  “Church is a mother, not a customs office coldly checking who is within the rules. The church needs to accept and adapt to the social changes”  (Indian Express 7th Oct Page 15)

Can the shepherds be gracious enough to explain this dichotomy of two churches and only one church to the laity for them to decide which church they should be.  Please don’t quote to us Laws and rules. These are made not by the  faithful  Catholics but by the clergy which is not even.001 % of the church with a view to protect their vested interests. Give us common sense answers with sincerity of heart, in the love of Christ. You  must do it in the form of another JPL to all Catholic churches of Delhi without any rite distinction

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