
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How to Imitate Philippine Cardinal

This comment from Dr James Kottor is actually a reply to what Shri Zac commented on:
  • Cardinal Tagle laments West-centered coverage....

         I give my full support to what Sri Zach Nedunkanal who regularly reacts with constructive suggestions in Almaya. None of our three red hats who returned from the Synod said anything relevant to India to think about compared to what the Philippine cardinal Tagle said about problems created to families due to migration. I said it causes "prolonged separation for young couples who do not have the charisma to practice celibacy which the consecrated lot who claims to have" often do not practice in my article Synod Shifts to diocesan level two weeks ago. There are more which I am not repeating here.

        Our Red hats in India should discuss and solve first  family problems caused by inter-Rite marriages, Pure and impure blood marriages in Knanaya commuty, problems created by territorial expansion of Syro-Rites, divisive agendas of three Catholic Churches in India -- all of which are taboo for public discussion, because they will hurt their private agendas.

        Instead Syromalabar always come out with an yearly pastoral on liquor menace and the need to impose prohibition, which they know no one takes seriously and will never work.

        Now that they have come back from Synod with a command from Pope to lead public discussion with Church citizens at diocesan and parish levels what they have to do urgently are a few tings. 1. Conduct a parish level survey ordered by Pope which they failed to do last year. 2. To discuss thorny issues at these two levels in a public forum transparently and freely without any one to censure as it happened in the Synod. 3. The only place where they can do it is the Almayasabdam, not anything parallel to it India, nor any Catholic Indian publications -- all of them are caged birds parroting the master's voice and will never change,  4. Our Red hats supposed to be preachers of the good word, should stop keeping their mouths shut like MaunMohan refusing to answer relevant questions raised constantly by enlightened laity. More to say, but this is enough for the moment.

       If the Red hats have a better suggestion to conduct an open, frank discussion on national level, let them without wasting time provide a national forum and come out with an invitation to the Church in India to sit together and discuss  Indian family issues for this whole year. 

Dr.James kottoor

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